2021 Annual Business Meeting

The annual business meeting of the Southern Gables Neighborhood Association was held on May 24. Minutes of the meeting are posted for review by interested parties: bit.ly/sgna-2021-annual-meeting. Mayor Adam Paul updated us on several timely topics, we reviewed the status of a neighborhood grant program for a community walking path, and we presented the financial and audit reports for the year just ended.

An upcoming event was announced: Block Parties to be sponsored by the Association on Friday August 20, with a $50 stipend for neighbors who volunteer to host.

Of special interest, especially to the Board members currently serving, is the issue of finding volunteers for the open positions on the Board. We have been seeking volunteers. We solicited nominations before and at the meeting, and received none. On the map below, we are looking for Area Representatives for areas 1, 2, 4, 6, and 7.

If you are interested, if you like people, and if you would like to contribute toward making our neighborhood a better place, please let us know through our Contact Us page, or just call and talk with any of our current Board members.

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