Pulling Together

The Southern Gables community means a lot of different things to our different neighbors, but a recurrent theme is how friendly and helpful people are to each other. If we ever get enough SNOW to bother with in this too-long-dry season (Yay for this morning’s little bit!), we know there will be neighbors out helping shovel the walkways for those who can’t do it themselves. That’s the kind of place where we live. 

Thanks Everyone! 

Our Neighborhood Association sponsored a Chipotle fundraiser this week to benefit the Green Gables Elementary School Giving Tree program. Thanks to the wonderful support of our neighbors, the school will receive a check from Chipotle in the amount of $466.79.  We are grateful for the participation of so many people.  It was a great night for a great cause. 

The Fun

There were lots of friendly greetings at the Chipotle on Wadsworth, and happy chatter as neighbors and school friends saw each other, picking up meals to go or staying to eat there in the restaurant. Line-standers mostly had masks on, in deference to the current rules, but friendly interaction was welcomed and enjoyed. We love these social events, like the outdoor block parties that we sponsored this past summer, and the Neighborhood Night Out with the DJ and raffle prizes and all that. Fun! 

The Challenge

It’s not too hard to get people behind the idea of eating a burrito to help the school. There are other things that go on all the time, though, that take some effort. In exchange for a little effort, though, they can be worthwhile, satisfying, and actually even fun too. Take, for example, the idea of joining the Neighborhood Association Board to work on setting up events like the fundraiser, sponsored block parties, the Neighborhood Night Out, projects under the city’s Neighborhood Grant Program, the annual Leaf Day, and… what next? 

The Association Board meets about once a quarter to talk these kinds of things over and make decisions. We are meeting this evening. We will welcome two new Board members and have them start getting involved with the Association’s activities. (Two is a good start. We want more. You for example.) The agenda items include a few “what next” topics. We will review a financial report from the Treasurer and decide which local organizations to support with year-end donations. We will start the ball rolling to get our Local Business Supporters involved again after being dormant for so long. Following up from our October Board meeting, we will discuss several neighborhood project initiatives involving City and Association funding. 

Join Us

The recurrent theme: helping people as a means of increasing the feeling of community. If you will consider getting involved by joining the Association Board, go to our Contact Us page and, um… contact us. We will let you know the time and place of the meeting, and you can check the idea out for yourself. 

Join us. 


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