The Southern Gables Neighborhood Night Out attracted over 600 people this year, a new attendance record for the annual event. The reviews were enthusiastic, with perhaps the best example having been heard at the bedtime immediately following, “I wish Neighborhood Night Out could be every week.” The mom who reported this assessment also told us that the young evaluator, who can sometimes be quite the critic of adult endeavors, said this was “the most fun one yet.” We agree. The DJ kept up the beat, and the hot dogs and lemonade brought people together in discussions of fine quality dining. Our local business supporters kept the action moving with games and treats as neighbors went in and out among the many tents and booths. The Community Garden was open to visitors as well, and attracted admirers. Groups of neighbors sat and chatted, faces got painted, and some people — mostly kids — danced.

Winner of the bonus prize, seen here with grandfather Mike Huckaby, is thrilled at her prize but momentarily preoccupied.
One highlight of the evening was the drawing for prizes. Neighbors were given free tickets as they entered the grounds, and at the appointed time the DJ called out numbers for five Visa gift cards valued at $100 each. As if that wasn’t enough, the drawings closed out with a bonus: a free photo session with Alex Hearn Photography. Wouldn’t you know, the winning ticket for that one was held by a contender for the “cutest baby” title, so we know it will be well appreciated.
The other winners seemed to be just as pleased at their good fortune, and one even said “but I never win anything!” We offered to take it back but he decided to let the new winning streak get off to a good start.

$100 prize winner Ryan Peterson accepts the prize from Southern Gables Board member Zack DeMeola

Prizewinner Clint<!—Riley—>’s smile tells it all

Winner Kate<!—Karlik—> seemed pleased and surprised, and shared the podium with her friend.

Winner Alysha<!—Schuring—> accepts her prize with a smile. There were lots of smiles all around on Neighborhood Night Out.

Fifth and final winner of the $100 Visa cards was Nathan Hayes, a Green Gables fan.
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