Meet Your Neighbor: Marci DeMott
When I went to meet Marci at her home, my arrival was enthusiastically announced by Zoey, whose guard perimeter starts way out at the street. After few sniffs and tastes of my hand, I was accepted for admittance. During our conversation for the most part Zoey paid careful attention. Since Marci has just joined the Association Board, we looked at the area she will cover as an Area Representative and talked about some of the neighborhood events planned for the upcoming year. Then we started with our “Meet” interview. –– Interviewed by Bruce McDonald
Bruce: Well, Marci, you know we’re all about Southern Gables so the first thing I want to ask is, how long have you lived here? Marci: It will be six years in August. My husband Eric has lived here, in this same house, for 22 years but I’m the newcomer. He grew up over by the two lakes, and his parents still live there. I came down from Conifer and this is the perfect place for us.
Perfect? How so? I love it because the neighborhood is so easily walkable and friendly. I walk with Zoey about three miles a day. We see so many people out walking and they all love Zoey. She’s such a distinctive personality, she’s my calling card for meeting people.

Marci and Zoey
So, from Conifer… you’re a Colorado girl? No, I grew up in Nebraska. I’m glad to be here because of the humidity. Really, no humidity! I love that. When I was a teenager we had a family vacation in Colorado and we did all the tourist things. We had such a great time. The clear skies, the beautiful weather, the seasons, the people. Being here is like a dream come true. I have family in Nebraska though, and go back there to visit. So you’re a Huskers fan? You bet! But more a Rockies fan, Eric and me both. That’s the big thing now, especially with Eric. That’s another thing about the neighborhood too, so close to downtown and the Rockies games, when we can go. And we’re close to so many restaurants we like, and shopping. Everything’s nearby and convenient. And the mountains! Minutes away.
Do you have a favorite memory with your Southern Gables neighbors? Not a memory really; it’s just a favorite thing. The neighbor on the other side of our back fence is so nice, and kind, and friendly. We have pretty much a “Wilson” relationship1 with him, and he is a great gardener. He has given us all kinds of produce, and his example has inspired me to get a garden started. This year is my first real gardening effort!
Tell us about your hobbies, and your work... As I mentioned, I’m a regular at walking around the neighborhood and that is such a good feeling, meeting people and being outside. People are attracted to Zoey and she’s so friendly. Having a garden is a new interest, growing vegetables and flowers, and we love going up to the mountains just to enjoy the peace and quiet, and the beauty all around. For work, I’m a Realtor® and I cover the Evergreen area as well as Lakewood.
Do you have a favorite quote or saying you can share with us? It’s not a quote really, but some advice I’ve come to really appreciate. It’s something that so many times, people realize only too late, after losing a loved one. it’s this: Live every day to the fullest. Live as if it’s your last day.
Thanks. That’s a good reminder. In closing, is there anything we missed? I guess I could add that I’m a beach girl at heart. Colorado is almost perfect, but it would be great if we had an ocean. I love travel, though, and that lets me get my beach time. And I love Colorado despite the lack of an ocean. We’re having some family come visit soon, and I’m so looking forward to showing them “all the tourist things.” It’s a great place to live!
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