Doing Business in the Community

Southern Gables is a pretty special place – we know that, and it’s easy to see on a walk around the neighborhood. There are friendly waves and greetings, neatly maintained homes, and enjoyment of the peace and quiet far enough away from the big city, yet still not far from everything we need. A neighborhood is more than just houses close to each other, though; it’s a place where people develop relationships, socialize together on occasion and help each other out from time to time. A good neighborhood promotes a sense of community that joins people in a way you can’t touch, and it extends across the lot lines of the homes. 

One of the good features of our gem of  neighborhood is a healthy mix of all age ranges. Grandmas and grandpas get to enjoy the sounds of kids playing, and helping hands reach across all the ages in neighborly interaction. Many of our working-age neighbors work in businesses located nearby, and many of course are working from home these days, whether for a company or on their own. In Southern Gables we aim to strengthen the beneficial relationship between local businesses and the people who live here. Our “local businesses” include not only the shops and services that are located nearby, but also the businesses that employ or are supported by our neighbors. It is a worthy goal for neighbors to support each other.

When you watch out for your neighbor’s house when they’re away, pick up and save a package for them, offer a lift to the store, or shovel the snow from their sidewalk, it builds goodwill and strengfthens the community. It makes for a better life. Supporting local businesses is a lot like that. It’s all good. The Southern Gables Neighborhood Association Selected Business Supporters are our neighbors, employ our neighbors, or are recommended by our neighbors. 

Buy local. It’s an important thing to be aware of, and more importantly to act upon. Many of us were brought up with that idea taught to us by our parents and community leaders, especially those from small towns. With the growth of massive retailers, though, it’s not as visible a theme these days. It should be. If there were more local support we might not have as many vacant shops right now in our nearby shopping centers. It’s connected, just like being a good neighbor is connected to having a good neighbothood. Why? Here are some aspects of the way it works.

Community Economic Growth. Local businesses contribute significantly to the economic growth of a community. When you spend money at local businesses, a larger portion of that money stays within the community. This helps create a cycle of economic activity where local businesses thrive, leading to job creation and increased wealth circulating within the neighborhood.

Job Creation and Employment Opportunities. Local businesses are often smaller and more personalized, largely employing a workforce directly sourced from the community. By supporting these businesses, you are contributing to the creation and sustenance of local jobs. Employment opportunities provided by local businesses contribute to the overall well-being and stability of the community.

Fostering a Strong Community Identity. Local businesses are often unique and reflective of the community’s character. They contribute to the diversity of goods and services available, creating a distinct local identity. Patronizing these businesses helps maintain the cultural fabric of the community and fosters a sense of pride among residents. It also encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

Environmental Impact. Local businesses often have shorter supply chains, reducing the need for long-distance transportation of goods. Additionally, local businesses may be more inclined to adopt environmentally friendly practices, as they are directly accountable to the local community. 

By choosing to patronize local businesses operated by or employing our neighbors, you contribute to the overall health and vibrancy of our community. This not only has economic benefits but also helps build a strong and interconnected social fabric. Supporting our local businesses can help to create a stronger, more vibrant, and sustainable Southern Gables.

Shop local. Click to see our Selected Business Supporters.

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2 thoughts on “Doing Business in the Community

    • You bet we do! It’s so good of you to ask. Right now we’re looking for people with an interest in writing local-interest articles for our weekly blog posts, and improving our social media outreach. We are getting ready to approach local businesses for the Business Supporters program, and though we only have our Board members working on it currently, it would be goood to have someone new join in. We could use some volunteers help with deliveries of our fall and spring newsletters, and there may be some volunteer jobs available when we start assembling and delivering our Southern Gables Tote Bags in April. There’s plenty of volunteer opportunity when we set up and run the annual Neighborhood Night Out in August. Another summertime volunteer job is maintaining the landscaping at our neighborhood entrance sign at Jewell & Estes. We also provide a few volunteers for Joy’s Kitchen, and if you’re looking for a broader list of volunteer opportunities beyond what we need for the Neighborhood Association, we have some suggestions here: Volunteer Opportunities.

      If you’ll get in touch with us at [email protected] we can arrange to get together and come to an understanding. It’s so great of you to check on the need for volunteers. It’s community-minded people like you that make it so great to live here!

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