Get Together!

You know that the Southern Gables Neighborhood Association loves to encourage community spirit and neighbors getting together. You might also know that we sponsor summer block parties, paying a stipend to Southern Gables neighbors who host a block party in July or early August. Our sponsorship is a payment of $100, no receipts required. The City of Lakewood has a larger program that can fund a bigger block party – up to $500 – or other kinds of events or projects. They call it Neighborhood Get-Togethers. [Update 6/29/23: Lakewood Community Resources Department has reached their limit on grants for block parties. The Southern Gables Neighborhood Association is still open for block party grant requests.]
To apply for a Southern Gables Neighborhood Association sponsored block party: read You Can Host a Block Party! and then email us at [email protected]. Please include your planned date and what area or how many households you will invite.
Invest in Your Neighborhood with a Sponsored Block Party or Community Event
As summer 2023 approaches, you can leverage the City of Lakewood’s Get Together Program to bring your neighbors together around a shared purpose, activity or project. In summer 2022, Lakewood launched its Get Together Program to help residents foster relationships with neighbors and invest in projects that benefit local neighborhoods.

Photo by Stacie Oulton, Public Information Officer, City of Lakewood
- Food and supplies for a neighborhood BBQ, ice cream social or block party.
- Plants, soil and mulch to jump-start a neighborhood garden.
- Supplies for a neighborhood trail cleanup and shirts for volunteers.
- Holiday dinner and mailbox decorating contest.
- Free Little Library, community pantry or seed bank project.
- Composting, xeriscaping or bee conservation lunch and learn.
- Neighborhood entryway beautification project and breakfast.
- Public art showcase.
- Memorial tree planting event.
Some additional suggestions – parties with added purpose:
- Hot Dog Neighborhood Watch Event – meet your neighbors and exchange cell numbers over a hot dog party.
- Youth Community Service Plan – discuss a plan for our neighborhood youth to help neighbors with snow removal or yard work.
- Local Business Rolodex Sharing Event – help support local businesses in Southern Gables by referring them to your neighbors.
The City of Lakewood has a simple 6-step process for neighborhood projects. You can find this information at The grant application is at the bottom of that page:
1. Brainstorm ideas with neighbors.
2. Submit application.
3. Get approval and complete the contract.
4. Get together for the event/project.
5. Submit evaluation, receipts, and photos.
6. Receive reimbursement.

Photo of 2022 Southern Gables Neighborhood South Ammons Block Party
Sponsored projects are eligible for grants of either $100, $250, or $500. Applicants must be a resident or property owner in Lakewood, and the project should be inclusive and open to all neighbors. Applications are reviewed, evaluated and approved by city staff. Projects promoting community engagement, sustainability and resilience are prioritized and more likely to receive grant funding. Projects must adhere to City codes and regulations. Projects may not include alcohol, cigarettes and any illegal substances in the proposed grant budget. For parties held in yards or driveways, no permit is needed but you can close a street with a City permit. To apply or learn more, visit
- To apply for a Lakewood GT Grant: see
- To apply for a Southern Gables Neighborhood Association sponsored block party: see You Can Host a Block Party! and email us at [email protected]. If you are applying for both, let us know that in your email.