What a Party!
Back in the spring when we announced we would be sponsoring block parties in Southern Gables, we knew at least a few of our residents would jump in to get neighbors together, building community spirit and connection. Well, WOW, we’re off to a fine start! Judging from the Ammons Street block party held last weekend, this will be a great year for Southern Gables summer block parties. Several more groups have applied for our block party grant, but South Ammons Street will be hard to beat!
Those guys really know how to PUT ONE ON! It was a coordinated effort by six households on Ammons Street and Evans Avenue, longtime friends and good neighbors. The organizers were Raul and Tina Ochoa, Kile and Andrea Salek, Mike and Jane Knauf, Mike and Diana Mendoza, Ted Tidwell and Angelique Diaz; and Aaron Anderson.
Raul, who was pretty much the ringleader, said “We had a bouncy, food, drinks, games, and a live DJ. It was DJ Zeke and he did an incredible job. We grilled all kinds of meats and people brought dishes to share, great variety with people showing off their best. We had a water balloon fight which was awesome. We had a fire truck show and tell from West Metro Fire Rescue, then everyone running around with glow sticks, bracelets and stuff for the last hour of the night. Incredible. The neon glow theme was best thing… everyone wore neon colors and that was the highlight of our party that night. It was a lot of work and cooperation. Props to all our people!”

If you want to get together with some of your neighbors for a block party and haven’t yet applied for a Southern Gables Neighborhood Association grant, read up on it here and then send an email to [email protected].