Meet Your Neighbors: Matt and Marnie Crowe

Marnie Crowe is the newest member of the Neighborhood Association Board of Directors, bringing fresh new ideas and insights. She and her husband Matt live in “The House With the Tree That’s So Big They Curved the Street Around It.” Interview by Bruce McDonald
Bruce: I’m so glad you decided to join the Board, and that you agreed to be introduced to all our Southern Gables neighbors. You know my favorite first question, of course…
Marnie: Thank you. Yes. Matt and I have been here four years, going on five. When we found the house here, we knew right away that it was where we wanted to be. A big part of that was because of that Cottonwood tree. It was the reason we fell in love with our home!
It certainly gives a lot of character to the place. You grew up in Texas and they have Cottonwoods there too; is that why it’s so special to you both? Well, Matt is not a Texan so that wouldn’t explain it. He’s from Indianapolis but his parents lived in Colorado for several years during the 80s, and he remembers that time when he was young as being so special. That’s what drew him here; he came to ski. As for me, I just thought it would be a great place, so after college – I went to the University of Louisiana at Monroe – I wanted to try it out.
So the tryout worked? Yes it did. Both Matt and I worked in the Capitol Hill area, and we were neighbors in the same apartment complex. He had a Great Dane that would sit and watch me in the laundromat. I love dogs and had German Shepherds. That interest got us to notice each other. Matt’s Great Dane was keeping an eye on me for a reason!
I see. What got you both to Colorado was chasing a dream it seems, from different directions but bonding in a laundromat. What brought you here specifically, to the Southern Gables/Valley View neighborhood? Driving around and seeing so many different places, we came through here and immediately knew it was a place where people cared. People were out walking, talking with neighbors, and gave a wave or a nod as we drove by. The homes were all maintained so well – another sign of caring.
Do you have a favorite memory with your neighbors here in Valley View? This recent Halloween was so much fun! I’m sure it will be a favorite memory for a long time. It was so great seeing so many trick or treaters out and our family had a blast. Our sons wanted to bring Christmas early. They dressed up like Santa and elf on the shelf and had their own sleigh to ride around in. We got to meet up with different neighbors and meet some new ones along the way. There are so many good memories. Everyone has been so friendly and welcoming, from the moment we arrived. There’s a lot of social activity on the street, with all different age groups. There are so many who have a specialty it seems. There’s a chili cookoff at one home, an ice cream social at another, certain themed parties – lots of social occasions. Even during COVID, things were changed but we kept the connections going in different ways.
How about your work, and your leisure activities? The fun stuff first. Wakeboarding. Matt loves wakeboarding, and was on the Purdue wakeboarding team. We have a camping spot on a lake where we go as often as we can. I do it too, and we both go surfboarding. In the winter it’s snowmobiling and snowboarding. Skiing too – our boys love skiing. The first one started at two and a half, but the younger one didn’t wait so long and we got him going at 18 months. There’s work too. Matt owns Vectra Mechanical, an HVAC company. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. He bought the company two weeks before we got married, so we’re both involved. Well, me a little less now since we had our third child, and he has grown the business to the point where he has been able to hire people. I used to help a lot and I’m still involved, but less. He has expanded the business by adding electrical and plumbing work. In adding those trades he didn’t just hire people with the skills; he attended the trade schools and got fully qualified himself as well. And for me, besides what I do with Vectra, I also teach yoga, Pilates, kickboxing, and cycling.
It doesn’t seem like you have trouble finding things to do. What else should we know about you? We’re both very outgoing. I like to gab a lot. I can talk to anybody and I love what good friendships come from that. Oh, and I was a competitive swimmer from the age of 4, and I got a college scholarship in swimming. As for Matt, he’s always tinkering on something, whether it’s his toys, or trucks. He has a 1941 5 Ton GMC that he is currently rebuilding. We also got him a meat smoker a few years ago and he has taken that on as a hobby. If you ever smell anything good down by the cottonwood house it’s probably Matt whipping up something delicious.
Good. I’ll stop by. Any words of advice to neighbors or youngsters? Yes. Be kind. Stop and say hello to neighbors old and new. You’ll be surprised how many people want to meet others and build a great community.
I think we agree, that’s a great thing about living here!
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