What kind of Neighborhood Association charges only $20 dues — PER YEAR? This kind. The Southern Gables Neighborhood Association. The kind that donates to support organizations that make our community a better place to live, such as these during the past year:
- Green Gables Elementary School – Needy Family Fund: $1,488
- Senior Resource Center: $750
- Westwoods Community Church Youth Fund: $750
- CASA – Court Appointed Special Advocates: $1,200
- Action Center – $500.00 plus $500.00 Matching: $1,000
- Lakewood Police Toy Fund: $250
- Carmody Middle School, during their Chili Cook-Off Fundraiser: $500
The dues money we collect doesn’t cover all of that, of course; we do a fundraiser with Chipotle specifically for Green Gables Elementary, and we have a good number of neighborhood business supporters. And not all our money goes to community organizations. For example our annual Leaf Raking and Leaf Gathering, with volunteers raking leaves for neighbors who can’t do it on their own, costs us $650 for the two large dumpsters that take the collected leaves for composting. Then in August (on Friday August 23 this year) we have Neighborhood Night Out where we pay for a live DJ and provide free hot dogs and drinks, and draw for prizes which amounted last year to over $1,000 in value. Local business supporters set up booths with games and giveaways, and it’s an old-fashioned good time with friends and neighbors.
There are other things too, the kind that it’s easy to take for granted. The Association organizes and advertises an annual neighborhood garage sale, arranges monthly Southern Gables neighborhood luncheons (with a raffle for $10) and evening get-togethers, and maintains the neighborhood entrance sign (“The Rock“) at Jewell & Estes. We publish and distribute a newsletter too, twice a year (Hey, do you like to write or edit?) and then there’s the popular Southern Gables Neighborhood Tote Bags with goodies from our local business supporters. Discounts and free stuff! National Junior Honor Society students at Carmody Middle School pitched in to assemble the contents for the Tote Bags, earning $450 for their club programs in the process.
We hope you’ll see the benefit of supporting the Southern Gables Neighborhood Association.
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