
The Tree That Keeps on Giving

The Tree That Keeps on Giving


“Listen to the mustn’ts, child. Listen to the don’ts. Listen to the shouldn’ts, the impossibles, the won’ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me… Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.”  — Shel Silverstein

Shel Silverstein was a funny man. He wrote whimsical poems, songs, and books. He was a cartoonist with a wild and satirical style; a comedic writer of zany but ultimately touching stories; a musician who performed on guitar, piano, saxophone and trombone; and a songwriter. (Yes, a songwriter. If you’re of a certain age you remember Johnny Cash singing A Boy Named Sue. Or how about The Unicorn by the Irish Rovers. Yep, Silverstein.)  As a writer, he will probably be best remembered for his children’s books. One of the most popular was The Giving Tree, published in 1964. The story tells of a boy who loves a tree, and the tree loves the boy. The tree gives generously to the boy at every stage of life as they both grow older. Apples. leaves, branches… it goes on. Giving makes the tree happy. 

The Giving Tree

Green Gables Elementary, the little gem of a school in the heart of Southern Gables, also has a Giving Tree. The Giving Tree comes during the holiday season each year and has names of students whose families need some help that time of year. Parents and community members pick names and provide gifts for the children. Some give money to the school to pick out items. As we all know though, needs do not appear just at Christmas. Some families struggle to make ends meet at other times and often the shortages show up at school. A child comes in shivering without a coat on a cold day, gloves or hats get lost, or a family can’t afford some of the required school supplies. It happens, and it happens too often. How about a diabetic child who needs supplemental nutrition and hydration, and needs a replacement food kit or water bottle. The list goes on. This is where the Green Gables Giving Tree, like Silverstein’s Giving Tree, wants to keep on giving.

Community Relations Fund

Fortunately for those needs that go all year long, or are outside the holiday gift season, there is a Community Relations Fund. It is a direct outgrowth of the Green Gables Giving Tree, to meet those needs. For the last several years – for as long as anyone here can remember – the Southern Gables Neighborhood Association has supported the Giving Tree program at Green Gables Elementary. We make a direct donation, and we sponsor a Chipotle Fundraiser for the school (This year on February 10 – mark the date). Our donation supplements the Giving Tree, and in larger measure it supports the Community Relations Fund.

We talked to Jennifer Seltz, the school’s Business Manager, and asked her for an update about the fund and what it does. Ms. Seltz told us that in addition to supplying such things as winter clothing and coats, tennis shoes, and winter boots, there are a number of other needs that might not be as obvious. It takes insight and personal connections, for example, to find that a student’s family is in desperate need of groceries, bedding, cleaning supplies, or hygiene items. By helping a family in their home environment, their child is given an easier path to learning in school. Sometimes during the school day a child needs a change of clothing. The school can keep a small supply on hand from a Jeffco program called “Serving Kids” but where there is an emergency need, they can draw upon the Community Relations Fund.

Green Gables school mascot, cartoon, Lucky the LeprechaunI asked about participation fees for clubs and field trips. Most parents can cover those incidentals, but some can’t. Enter the Community Relations Fund, so all can participate. There are occasions where all the students get T-shirts for a celebration or a group activity, for example last year’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade. The kids had a ball – all of them. Another unexpected use of the Giving Tree’s generous extension is in the Green Gables Band and Orchestra programs. This music education program has never been more popular than it is this year – record numbers are enrolled. We know that music education improves academic performance, self-discipline, coordination, and teamwork. For the students who want to be in the program, and couldn’t otherwise afford it, the Community Relations Fund could be the little thing that changes their lives in immeasurable ways. 

The Community Relations Fund makes little differences that can have big results. It all goes toward making a stronger community, investing in the future. “Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.”  

Now, while we’re on the subject of supporting the Green Gables Community Relations Fund, here’s an upcoming chance to help out: 

Chipotle Fundraiser for Green Gables Elementary

Monday February 10, 4 to 8 pm.  Print a flyer from HERE and put it on your fridge as a reminder. Eat a burrito, help a kid. See you there! 


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