Today and Tomorrow: Fall Leaves
Fall is just getting started and the fall leaves are mostly still undecided about dropping. Still, there are enough to make an improvement by raking up the ones that are already on the ground. Teams of student volunteers from Denver Christian School will rake and bag leaves today, for our seniors and homebound residents who signed up with the Neighborhood Association to have them raked.
Student teams will rake whatever leaves there are on the ground. It’s a one-day shot and it’s been scheduled in their immovable school curriculum for a year. We kind of wish more leaves were already down, but here we go. The Neighborhood Association will have volunteers taking the bagged leaves to be used as mulch and compost, keeping them from going to waste as trash. We will take them to the Fleischer Family Farm. If you are one of the clients who signed up for the service, you can expect your bagged leaves to be picked up by one of our volunteer drivers to be taken to the farm.
Pine needles are not good for compost so if you have those they will be left at the curb for your regular trash pickup – but deciduous leaves will be turned into precious nutrients for the soil right here in our neighborhood.
Volunteers will to come to the Fleischer Family Farm gate at 2005 S. Zephyr Ct. to help move the bagged leaves from the gate to the fields where they will be put down for the winter. Paul Fleischer and his crew could use some help. Will you volunteer? If you can, sign up here and be there at 9:00 am tomorrow. Bring gloves and, if you have one, a wheelbarrow.
Next Spring
Our neighborhood farm – the Fleischer Family Farm – will have richly improved soil in the fields where the leaves have been put to rest.

Fleischer Family Farm photo
This will give all of us who come to the seasonal Farm Stand the fresh, luscious produce that we love having grown naturally, organically, and locally.
In the Meantime…
For everyone not participating in the service offered today by SGNA and DCS, remember you can take your fall leaves to the Lakewood Greenhouse at 9556 W. Yale Avenue, right around the corner from Southern Gables. They will be receiving leaves November 16-25, 9:00-3:00. Staff will be available to assist residents on Saturday Nov. 16 and 23 only. The drop off site is open on Sundays but will not have staff available. Details are in the Southern Gables Neighborhood Newsletter distributed week before last. If you missed it or tossed it, check it out here.
And Once Again, Before You Go…
That link to volunteer and help move bagged leaves tomorrow, Saturday November 2 at 9 am is can, here.
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