Southern Gables Book Club Selection for March
It’s a tough life. Everybody has problems, and yet some endure. Some triumph. That’s the story Charles Dickens told in his novel David Copperfield back in 1850. Is it still true now?
Author Barbara Kingsolver gives the classic Victorian-era story a modern retelling in Appalachia, with Demon Copperhead. That’s what we’re reading for the next meeting, March 12, 6:30 pm. Get the details and sign up: CLICK HERE TO GET THE DETAILS AND SIGN UP.
“The wonder is that you could start life with nothing, end with nothing, and lose so much in between.” To say it’s a tough life, and that it’s a deeply touching and significant story is an understatement. Carolyn Wolfrum started the The Southern Gables Book Club to bring neighbors together in meaningful conversation. Demon Copperhead is a perfect story to accommodate that aim.

From The Guardian: Kingsolver’s hero is born to a teenage drug user in a trailer. Photograph: Jon Bilous/Alamy
Quoting from a book review in The Guardian,1 “It’s a brave writer who takes on a retelling of Dickens, and of David Copperfield, the most personal of his novels, at that. And yet the American author Barbara Kingsolver’s Demon Copperhead – which transposes this very English, quasi-autobiographical Bildungsroman to her own home territory of Appalachia – feels in many ways like the book she was born to write.”
Join Carolyn in the Southern Gables Book Club for this discussion. Demon Copperhead is all checked out at the local libraries, but you can place a hold and hope for the best, or find it as an eBook or audiobook, or order it online. There are inexpensive used copies at Abe Books and Amazon. Now is a good time to get started for the March 12 meeting. And yes, in case you haven’t done it already, CLICK HERE to get the details and sign up.
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