
Getting Neighbors Together


If you follow our regular Friday articles, you may have noticed a recurring theme. We like to encourage neighbors to get together to socialize or work together in cooperative projects. It makes a strong community. That’s what we’re all about as a Neighborhood Association. 

There’s our Neighborhood Night Out, for example, and our sponsorship of block parties. We learn about our Southern Gables neighbors in the “Meet Your Neighbor” interviews, we share stories about local history and interesting characters, and we encourage working on projects such as maintaining the landscaping at the neighborhood entrance sign and organizing leaf raking for our elderly and disabled residents. We maintain a reference list of fulfilling and rewarding volunteer opportunities1, and many of our neighbors support local organizations with volunteer effort. 

In this week’s Looking@Lakewood, Mayor Strom brought two current initiatives designed to do exactly what we like to promote: a set of programs to bring people together in the community. 

Love Lakewood Day – September 21

I invite you to join me in supporting and building the community we love through participating in Love Lakewood Day. On Sept. 21, volunteer to make a lasting impact on our community. Whether you’re passionate about beautifying our parks, supporting local schools, or combating food insecurity, your time and energy will help create positive change. Sign up to volunteer today and unite with your neighbors to strengthen our city and build a brighter future for everyone. Together, we can turn our collective efforts into extraordinary results. Don’t miss this chance to give back and make a difference. Your city needs you! Visit for more information.

Table Together – September 28

If you can’t make Love Lakewood Day or just prefer sharing a dinner with others, you can join with other hosts across Lakewood as part of Table Together. On one night, Wednesday, Sept. 25, hosts will invite two or three neighbors over for dinner in their homes, on their driveways or in their front yards. The vision: tables and neighbors connecting across the city (and nation), all on the same night! When neighbors know neighbors, a sense of belonging grows, neighborhood safety increases and the well-being of adults and children improves! Anyone can sign up to host at Once you register, you will receive a Table Kit in the mail with goodies and tools to have a meaningful experience, as well as a digital Host Guide with information on how to invite guests, plan food, and create a great conversation at the table. Hosts are encouraged to participate with a $40 suggested donation, which includes a donation to Food Bank of the Rockies to help those who have limited access to food. Whatever you choose to do, I encourage you to invite someone else along or reach out to someone new.
— Wendi Strom, Lakewood Mayor


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  1. Community | Volunteer

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