It’s Not Just Lunch
“Go, eat your food with gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart…” Ecclesiastes 9:7

This one was at Nicolo’s.
When people get together for a meal it’s more than just nutrition. The Southern Gables Neighborhood Association sponsors monthly luncheons for neighbors to get together and enjoy each other’s company. Judy Whitten organizes them, and they are (almost) always on the first Thursday of the month. So far this year the roving lunch bunch has met at Sunrise Sunset and Garramone’s Pizza & Italian Restaurant. This coming Thursday March 7 we will go to Front Range Inn, a classic neighborhood gathering place, at 7779 Morrison Road,
We love to support our local restaurants, and we have a good number of top choices among our local Selected Business Supporters. Front Range Inn was originally built in the 1930s, closed during COVID, and reopened in 2022 with new owners. Jen Rugh and her brother Kevin Carpanini have brought back the love that Lakewood had built up over the years for the rustic old place. It is a favorite spot for locals to grab a drink and a meal or a bar snack.
We always hold a free raffle at the monthly luncheons, with the prize being a certificate good for $10 off the price of the lunch. Actually, it’s good at any restaurant in the United States and many other countries. Last month’s lucky winner was Julia Blair.
To reserve a spot for Thursday’s lunch, 11:30 at the Front Range Inn, email Jusy Whitten [email protected] or call her at 303-986-7157.
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