Just Between Us
A neighborhood like Southern Gables is more than just a place with houses. The idea of a neighborhood encompasses the interlocking web of personal relationships, strengths and weaknesses, sharing tragedies and triumphs, socializing and working together. A sense of community can provide the satisfaction of helping one another live more pleasant and fulfilling lives. It feels good to live in a place where we can enjoy peace and quiet far enough away from the big city, yet still close to shopping, entertainment, and recreation.
Many of our neighbors work in businesses located nearby, and many work from home – about as local as you can get – in business for themselves or working remotely for a company tied by the invisible waves and wires of the Internet. In Southern Gables we enjoy the support of local businesses in our Local Business Supporter program. These companies and individuals include not only the shops and services that are located nearby, but also the businesses that employ or are supported by our neighbors. Our Local Business Supporters are invested in the community by their participation with us throughout the year, and we like to give them all the support we can. Doing business with our neighbors has all the community-strengthening benefits as when you watch out for your neighbor’s house when they’re away, pick up and save a package from their porch if they’re away, or invite them over for a summer barbecue. It builds goodwill and strengthens the community. It makes you feel good. The Southern Gables Neighborhood Association Selected Business Supporters are our neighbors, employ our neighbors, or are recommended by our neighbors.
Buy local. It’s important. Being aware of the value of contributing to the community where you live will enrich and enliven your life in unexpected ways. If all you ever do is go to the big box stores, you are missing out on – for one thing – smiles. You are missing a chance to help support the economic well-being of someone you might wave to on a walk around the neighborhood. It’s easy to see that your life is better if you have good neighbors, and being one is the best way to achieve that. You can see how it adds up. In the same way, keeping your purchasing power in the nearby community makes it stronger. After all, when we see vacant shops in our nearby shopping centers we have to think about things that could have saved the businesses that were there.
Our local businesses contribute to the overall health and vibrancy of our community. Supporting our local businesses can help to create a stronger, more vibrant, and sustainable Southern Gables.
Are you a local business owner? Or do you work for one? Or do you have a favorite as a customer? The Southern Gables Neighborhood Association is proud to count many firms as active supporters of the Association and the neighborhood. We recommend those Selected Business Supporters to our friends and neighbors. The program starts with our popular green Tote Bags in April, and includes participation in Neighborhood Night Out in the summer. If you have a business to recommend for this connection, the name to know is Penny Brenden. You can contact her to see if the business will qualify for the Selected Business Supporter program: call Penny at 303-956-7789 or email [email protected].
Just between us… keeping it local helps everyone.
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Hi Bruce-
MY email has been down, and Nancy and I have been at our home in Arizona for much of November- January.
We’re back now and I want to tell you I enjoyed you new column, “JUST BETWEEN US”.
Reminds me of touring Ireland where generations of families have run local businesses!
NICE JOB on your column for the newsletter! I don’t know where Bulgaria is, but I know you’re a great writer!
Nice to have you for a neighbor! Hi to Stormy! Come have a beer with me! Most anytime!
Mike Branigan