Meet Your Neighbor: Pam Engel-Livick

Friendly, cheerful and helpfull. Perfect! When it comes to finding neighbors to serve on the Southern Gables Neighborhood Association Board of Directors, that combination fills the bill. We met Pam Engel-Livick and her husband Art Zohn at the Association’s annual business meeting in May. They were both enthusiastic about getting involved in the community. What could be better than that?  Pam volunteered to join the Board, as Area Representative for what we call Area 3.   – Interview by Bruce McDonald. 

Bruce: Pam, we’re so glad you stepped up to join the board of the Neighborhood Association. You and Art said that it’s a good way to get more involved in the community, and you know I believe that’s true too. Tell us, how long have you lived in Southern Gables?

Pam: It’s been thirteen years. I lived in Castle Rock with my late husband, and we moved here when we needed to be closer to his family. He grew up in Lakewood not far from here, and having the support of family was such a great thing. We were lucky to find this place, and it was so good to be here and become part of the community. We started going to St. Jude Church, and everyone there took us in as family. It was so comforting. Even though I loved Castle Rock and we had just come here because of illness, it was the church connection that led me to decide to stay here after he passed on. So for me, it’s both the church and the neighborhood that make it so perfect. 

What are some things you like about the Southern Gables neighborhood?   Besides the neighbors, and the church being so close, it’s quiet and it’s pretty. People care about the way the neighborhood looks and keep thing looking nice. I have a feeling of safety here too. That’s a big plus. 

Do you have a favorite memory with your Southern Gables neighbors?  I have felt a close ralationship with my neighbor across the way, Doreen. We look out for each other. She was so supportive when I needed help. Now that Art and I are marrried – it’s been almost three months now – we’ve both found her to be a good friend. 

Almost three months!  So you’re honeymooners! How did you two happen to meet?  Well, we knew each other 40 years ago but we hadn’t stayed in touch. We worked at the phone company back then, and were both married at the time but we knew each other’s families. Earlier this year there was a party at Art’s house and a picture of me, my late husband, and my son that Art was trying to get to me. Our friend Keith that we had also worked with had been in touch with Art down in Texas and Art asked him to send it to me but it didn’t work. Art eventually got my phone number and called me about it, and sent me the picture. That was in January. It wasn’t long after that, he came up to Colorado and we knew it was right for us to be together. We got married at St. Jude Church on April 7. 

So, Art, you’re a Texan?  Art: No, I was born in Germany, actually. I grew up in a U.S. military family and lived all over, including a lot of time in Colorado before ending up in Texas when my adoptive dad retired. When I got in touch with Pam about the picture, that brought back a lot of good memories and it didn’t take me long to decide there were a couple of good reasons for me to get back here to Colorado. I started going to St. Jude with Pam and then joined the church choir along with her. Getting married was a natural choice and we’re glad we found each other again after all these years. 

Pam, both you and Art have told me that you’re looking forward to getting involved in the community, and we really appreciate that you’re jumping in to be an Area Representative for the Association. What other kinds of activities or hobbies do you enjoy?  Art already mentioned the choir; I love singing. I also like to write. I write poetry, and songs. Art does too, by the way, and we both like art. I mean art, like painting. We both enjoy walking around the neighborhood, and lots of neighbors now recognize Art and me as the ones who walk my little dog Sammy. I work for the Lakewood Parks and Recreation Department, and that gives me access to lots of activities available in the city. I’m a little introverted, but reaching out to help people in my job with Parks & Rec has made me work hard to resolve the problems that people bring in, looking for help. I have also learned more about patience as I have matured. 

Do you have a favorite quote or saying?  Yes, well, I guess I’d go with “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” That’s pretty good guidance in any situation. I know my children got that advice when they were growing up.

Closing on a theme of advice, do you have any words of wisdom to pass on to youngsters these days?  I would focus on the importance of responsibility. Facing consequences is a good way to learn. I think if people were held accountable for their actions on a more consistent basis – and not just young people – we would all be better off.  

Thanks for visiting with us, and thanks again for joining the Board. Southern Gables is a great place to live, and a helpful spirit is a great asset to the whole neighborhood. 

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