We like our Tote Bags!
The Southern Gables Neighborhood Association likes to encourage residents to do business locally, with the idea of neighbors helping neighbors and strengthening community ties. One of our projects involves collecting information and promotional items from our Local Business Supporters, assembling them into a collection in our distinctive Southern Gables green tote bags, and delivering them to all the neighbors. For the last few years the students of the Carmody Middle School National Junior Honor Society have eagerly taken on the project of assembling and distributing the bags, earning money in the process for their club. It’s a real win-win, and always a treat to work with the young people.
This year they ran into a snag and although they could do the tedious work of getting all the bag contents together they couldn’t do the distribution. Panic! That’s over a thousand bags, each one lightweight but put them all together piled high and wide, and think of the size of our neighborhood with about nine miles of streets to walk, and you can see it’s a formidable job. We looked around for other groups or organizations who might do it, and came up dry. But hey, how about neighbors?
Doug Whitten, Association President, had the crazy idea that within our Southern Gables community there might be enough helpful folks who would volunteer to do the job. No club affiliation, no bonus, no payment, just helpful people. And what do you know, it worked! Doug wants to extend a big THANKS TO EVERYONE who pitched in to help.

Volunteer Peggy Goold and her expert distribution crew
- Frank Bontrager
- Barb and Russ Bromby
- Tom and Billy Cummins
- Brian and Wendy Diamante
- Ken Fischer
- Peggy Goold and two granddaughters
- Bruce Loftis
- Deb Martin and daughter
- Glen McCarthy and Justina Walls
- Bruce and Stormy McDonald
- Samantha Monell
- Monica Norval
- Karen Purtell and daughters
- Sandy and Dick Roark
- Dale Trone and Kathy Baird
- Judy Whitten
You can check this page on our website to see a list of our Selected Business Partners who work with us on this project. And by the way, Doug says that if you DID NOT get a tote bag, you can call him at 303-986-7157, email [email protected], or use our Contact Form and he will get it to you.
You can meet Doug, and other neighbors, at the annual meeting of the association on Tuesday, May 7, 2019, 6:30 at the school. We will have Mayor Adam Paul, our Ward 5 City Council representatives, and representatives from the Police Department to update us on issues of concern to the community, and, as always, a chance to socialize with Southern Gables neighbors. More info here.
Doug says the Tote Bag delivery went the best he has ever seen. There’s something about neighbors pitching in that’s good to see, and in our Southern Gables community that’s what we like. Hope to see you soon!