The fourth annual Southern Gables Neighborhood Night Out had about 500 of our favorite neighbors playing games, checking out local businesses, getting to know one another, listening to music and chowing down on hotdogs at the schoolyard. People passing by the table at the gold-and green balloon arch entryway were sometimes taken aback when asked, “Do you have a ticket?” The tickets were not needed for admittance, but were being given out for the raffle featuring prizes connected with our Local Business Supporters.

In the first drawing, Kendyl won the Weber Grill and stand. She’s a tiger! Kendyl is the granddaughter of Southern Gables residents Doug and Judy Whitten.

The next winner was Margie Montrose, with a $250 gift certificate for car work at Emich Chevrolet. (“Do you think they’ll work on a Prius?” Answer: Yes!)

Wendy Diamonte won a game-day tailgate set: 2 Bronco chairs with a matching cooler, wagon, And tumbler.

Our next big winner was Charlee, granddaughter of Southern Gables residents Gregg and Monica Abelein. Charlee won FIVE fifty-dollar gift certificates for, um, let’s see… $250!

In the final drawing of the evening, Melissa Giardina won a $200 certificate from White Fence Farm. With that much buying power coming at them, ALL the chickens will be crossing the road! Just to round out the evening, Melissa’s prize was bumped up to $250 with a $50 gift certificate for Great Harvest Bread.