Meet Your Neighbors: Jim and Kathy Davis
Interviewed by Christy Cerrone.
Continuing our series of interviews with our Southern Gables neighbors, to help us get to know and appreciate each other.
The Christmas House! It’s that time of year, and surely you’ve seen it all lit up for the holidays. This is a special treat, to learn about the folks who make that happen. They are Kathy and Jim Davis. Kathy tells us that Jim goes by “Davis” except for their granddaughters who know him as “Opa.”

Some say the Davises might be fans of the Broncos.
Kathy, How long have you lived in Southern Gables? 41 years. We bought a 10 year old fixer upper, my favorite kind of house!
What are a few things you like most about Southern Gables? Neighbors who help move things and lend and borrow tools. A special neighbor realized that I couldn’t control a post hole digger, so he helped Davis dig 30+post holes. We still owe him. Now we are getting too old and have to hire help. Our first house was in Park Hill under the landing pattern of Stapleton Airport. We love the silence here, even when Garrison is busy.
Favorite memory with Southern Gables Neighbors? We had an open house for our 25th Anniversary on December 12, 1995. I was surprised how many neighbors joined us, especially since I asked them to bring their own drinks. Unfortunately, half of them have moved on. On December 12th this year we will have our 50th anniversary. No parties this year.
What is the most neighborly experience you have had or seen in Southern Gables? This happened this summer. I watched my 11 year old granddaughter and she thought this was great fun. Neighbors a few houses down were trying to inflate their hot air balloon to check for leaks. The kids were inside to add weight and had to scramble out when the winds came up. I stood 3 houses away and hoped my granddaughter didn’t take off. I was impressed how many neighbors were there to help.
Tell us a little about the special mailbox you have in front of your house. I make dollhouses. I am on my 12th right now. I decided I needed a fun mailbox. It is a copy of our house and has a sunroom to match, with some breakage and a crooked post. Unfortunately, these are not for sale anymore. Still contemplating how to fix it. Not in January!
Your house is known for its decorations at Christmastime. It’s a neighborhood institution. Tell us about this. It started with a Lamaze couple who wanted help. They gave me 2 strands of lights and a huge project was born. The 6 years I worked at St. Nick’s store did not help. We start in the 2nd week of November if the weather is tolerable. We have a pulldown ladder where most lights and decorations live. Years ago a neighbor asked if we would turn on our lights on Thanksgiving so they would have something to do with their guests. I don’t think they still live there, but it gives us a schedule to work toward.
What are your hobbies? Bonsai, dollhouses, collecting, and making life-size Father Christmases. Davis’s hobbies are 3-wheel motorcycles.
Favorite Quote? Ob-La-De say the Old Folks.
Anything else you want us know about you? Davis taught science at Bear Creek High School for two years, then moved to Green Mountain when it opened. He was the neighborhood Chemistry tutor.
I was a history major and used to spout historical facts. I’m forgetting them now. I was a substitute for around 20 years. I taught Lamaze classes until Kaiser did their own. Volunteered for Denver Hospice for 15 years until the new policy was “you CAN’T contact your patients.” We have our granddaughters 4 days a week now, after school and on vacations.
To nominate a candidate for the “Meet Your Neighbor” series, contact [email protected].