Meet Your Neighbor: Doug Whitten
By Christy Cerrone
From time to time we will feature interviews with our Southern Gables neighbors, to help us all get to know and appreciate each other. This is the first in that series. If you know a neighbor you’d like to have featured, contact the author, information below.
Doug, how long have you lived in Southern Gables?
Judy and I have lived in Southern Gables 43 years. Our only child, Heather, attended Green Gables Elementary School, Carmody Middle School and Bear Creek High School.
What are a few things that you like most about the Southern Gables community?
The neighbors, for the most part, are friendly and accommodating to change and involvement. The neighbors are always available to help. I have tried to follow “How to Build Community” as a guideline. Our neighborhood has a tremendous website at that all neighbors should visit. Everyone will learn more about our great Southern Gables neighborhood.
Do you have a favorite memory with your Southern Gables neighbors?
The most favorite memory that I had was when a 90 year-old neighbor called and said he, age 90, and his wife decided he was getting too old to shovel the driveway and did I know of someone he could call. Of course three different neighbors volunteered to shovel snow from the driveway.
What is the most neighborly experience you’ve had or seen in our neighborhood?
One tremendous experience is our neighborhood leaf drop and leaf raking for senior citizens of Southern Gables. Another is the ever popular and successful Neighborhood Night Out where we had approximately 700 participants last year. In addition, we were able to donate money to the Action Center, CASA, Lakewood Toy Fund, Green Gables Needy Family Fund, Carmody Chili Cook Off Fundraiser, Joy’s Kitchen and the Senior Resource Center. Of course, the Community Garden is such a success story beginning with its inception to today where Southern Gables neighbors, Green Gables Elementary School staff and students all have been able to experience an extremely valuable learning experience. Our school (Green Gables Elementary School) is now recognized by Jeffco Schools as providing tremendous student achievement. What a tribute to the staff and faculty.
As the Southern Gables Neighborhood Association President, what is your vision or hopes for Southern Gables?
I would hope we could more than double the neighbor involvement in our activities/experience but not only building on our successful experiences, but be continually exploring for additional experiences to provide a broad, diverse neighborhood. In addition, I would hope every neighbor could reach out to their neighbors to provide any assistance which may be needed. We need to treat every neighbor with dignity and respect. I would also hope every neighbor will be concerned about the physical appearance of their home and continually strive to maintain and upgrade their home.

Doug and Judy Whitten
What are your hobbies?
As one becomes older, his/her interests obviously change. I believe my main hobby is giving back to the neighborhood/community. I am currently serving on the Lakewood Economic Recovery Taskforce, as well as being a Board Member for the South Lakewood Business Association in addition to President of the Southern Gables Neighborhood Association. I am also a dues-paying member of the Green Gables Elementary School PTA as well as a member of the Green Gables Elementary School Accountability Committee.
Is there anything else you want us to know about you?
Judy and I celebrated our 54th wedding anniversary on August 12, 2020. In addition, so much of the work I have been able to accomplish has been due to the cooperative effort between Judy and myself.
Thank you, Doug, for letting us get to know you better. You are an important contributor to the neighborhood and we are glad to know you.
Contact [email protected] to nominate a candidate for the “Meet Your Neighbor” series.