School Supplies for Green Gables Elementary

Can You Help?

As schools reopen, combining in-place attendance with varying degrees of remote learning, many families have at the same time been hit with job losses and finances are tight. Can you help? This shopping list was provided by Charlotte Salerno, School Social Worker at Green Gables Elementary. If you can shop for items from this list, and bring them to the school during regular school hours — or if ordering online just have them delivered there! — that would be deeply appreciated by our dedicated teachers.

Each item on the list below is a link to the item on Amazon. If you don’t shop Amazon, you can at least see what the items look like, and see a representative price. Items don’t have to be new and can be from anywhere, including what you might have around your home.

When you order or buy an item from the list, please mark it on this tally sheet so others can see what is still needed.

Dry erase clipboard (1 set)
Earbuds (10 total)
Sports bags for recess equipment (8 total)
Flashcards (3)
Flashcards (3)
Flashcards (3)
Accordion File (3)
Pencil bags (12 total, but these come in a two pack so we would need to order 6)
1 inch 3 ring binders (7 total so two orders of these, they come in a set of 4)
Highlighters of all colors (5)
Composition notebooks (12, which is 3 of these sets)

The address for delivery is:

Green Gables Elementary School
ATTN: Charlotte Salerno
8701 W Woodard Dr
Lakewood, CO 80227

Phone 303-982-8314